About Us
About Us
This Hackney mosques jamah (congragational) prayer times website has been independently produced for the Muslim communities of Hackney. This website is not formally supported and/or endorsed by any Hackney mosque or Muslim organisation. Individuals, groups or companies whom intend to use the website. in parts or whole, for any purpose, other than promoting the website as a whole, should contact hackneyjamah@gmail.com
This website will be updated as and when required. Corrections to congragational prayer times will usually be made within 24hours of a notification being received.
Only the congregational times of those (fourteen) Hackney mosques with full 12 month timetables are featured in the website. Users of those mosques whom do not have pre-prepared congregational prayer times for the full 12 months will need to contact the mosque directly to ascertain the times. If or when other mosques produce annual calendars, which includes their congregational prayer times for the full year, the website will be updated accordingly - inshAllah.
There are two Asr starting times due to there being a difference of opinion between classical scholars of when the time for Asr starts. One opinion states that Asr time starts when an object's shadow is its original shadow at noon+ its exact length (referred to as 'Asr 1'), the other opinion states Asr time starts when an object's shadow is its original shadow at noon + twice its length (referred to as 'Asr 2'). For further information on this issue please ask a scholar competent in the jurisprudence matters related to prayer times (such as Shaykh Farid Patel)
The prayer beginning times have been reviewed and approved by Shaykh Farid Patel, a scholar well versed in the pertinent jurisprudence rulings and research related to prayer times. Shaykh Farid can be contacted via his email faridhpatel@gmail.com . His research on prayer times can be viewed on his website www.salahtimesuk.com/
IMPORTANT REQUEST: All the fourteen congregational prayer times have been checked a number of times. If there is ANY congragational time that you know is incorrect please immediately email hackneyjamah@gmail.com so it can be corrected. Jazakallahkhair
This website has been through various testing stages to fix any glitches and usability issues, as this is the first such local website there may still be some issues users may have. If there are any user issues please contact us on the email address below. We also appreciate any comments you may have on improving the website to make it as useful to local residents as possible.
This Hackney mosques congragational prayer times website is an information portal for the benefit of Muslim communities of Hackney. The developer/s of this website are not formally affiliated with any Hackney mosque, organisation, political organisation, sect, ideology or denomination. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure high standards and quality for the content and information provided within this website, the site's developer/s cannot be held responsible for any personal loss, damage or crisis sustained as a result of using the website. The information provided on the website is not intended to replace any official information provided by local Hackney mosques and/or any other local organisation/s.
For all enquiries please email hackneyjamah@gmail.com