

Every mosque / prayer space has costs associated with its running incl regular bills to cover water rates, electricity/gas bills, imams remuneration, cleaning etc. These specific costs are directly linked with the services mosques / prayer spaces deliver including when YOU visit for 15mins for any of the congregational prayers.

As costs of all goods and services have been increasing for many months we strongly encourage you to donate towards your local mosque / prayer spaces as best you can to support covering these essential bills. Lists of donations links are below :-

Aziziye Mosque - (Donate)

Dalston Lane - (Natwest Bank A/C 75237687 S/C 60-09-23)

Hackney Central Mosque - (Barclays Bank A/C 70325260 S/C 20-46-60)

Hoxton Islah - (Al Rayan Bank A/C 01154101 S/C 30-00-83)

Kindsmead Musallaa - (Santander Bank A/C 38564936 S/C 09-01-29)

Imam Nawawi Mosque - (Donate)

Madina Mosque - (Donate)

Markazul Uloom Mosque - (HSBC Bank A/C 41124277 S/C 40-06-27)

Musallaa An Noor - (Donate)

Quba Mosque - (Donate)

Ramadan Mosque - (Donate)

Suleymaniye Mosque - (Donate)

Tarbiyah Mosque - (Donate)

Uthman Mosque - (Donate)

Valide Sultan Mosque - (Donate)

This Hackney Jamah website has been independently produced for the Muslim community of Hackney. Copyright 2020